simple, powerful and cost effective invoice software

Xin Inventory 2.0 can’t work after restore data from Xin Inventory 1.0

Question :

I restore the database from Xin Inventory 1.0 into 2.0 and restart the Xin Inventory 2.0.
The program can not be open any more.


Answer :

You cannot restore data from Xin Inventory 1.0 to Xin Inventory 2.0 because the database structure is totally different for these 2 software.

Please do the following:
1. Uninstall Xin Inventory 2.0
2. Go to the application folder, which should be in C:\Program Files\Xin\Xin Inventory 2.0, delete all files inside folder Xin Inventory 2.0.
3. Reinstal. When it ask whether to overwrite the existing database, click yes.

XIn Cube

Xin Cube is a tech company that develop windows and cloud application to suit the customer and market trend need.