Advanced Setup For Xin Inventory 2.0 Server - If normal installation failed
By default,
Xin Inventory 2.0 server environment should be setup correctly if install Xin Inventory as Server / Standalone. However, under some circumstances the installation and configuration might failed .This document is help the advanced user to setup Xin Inventory correctly. To know Xin Inventory simple setup and architecture, Please refer to the
Xin Inventory 2.0 Network Setup for referrence.
Steps perform during Xin Inventory 2.0 Server Setup
There are 3 main steps that will be performed by Xin Inventory 2.0 setup during installation.
1. MS SQL Server 2008 Express Setup and configuration
2. Firewall add port for Client/LAN user access
3. Enable folder permission
4. Install Xin Inventory 2.0 as client in server.
5. Open Xin Inventory 2.0 in server.
1. MS SQL Server 2008 Express Setup and configuration
- Install MS SQL Server 2008 Express
Xin Inventory 2.0 will install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM Express into the computer. If there is any failure, please download and install MS SQL 2008 R2 RTM Express. Download SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe if you are using 32bit machine and download SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe if you are using 64bit machine. For more information, please contact our support
For the installation steps, please refer to
Please open SSMS and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM Express . Server name: "your
computer name" \ "instance Name". For my case, my computer name is WIN7-VMWARE and instance name is SQLEXPRESS. Click on determine SQL Server instance name to know how to check the instance name.

Right Click on the Server and click on Properties.

Click on Security on the left hand menu. Change the Server Authentication to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode and click OK button.

- Create Xin Inventory database
If there is newer MS SQL Server that already running in the server, please download unzip the file and restore into the server. Please contact our support if have any issues.
SSMS and connect to SQL Express 2008 Database.
Right Clcik on the database and click on
Restore Database.
Click on
From device and browse button. After that click on
Add button and select the database file. Click on
OK button after select the file.
Click on the
Checkedbox in Select the backup sets to restore and enter the
database name: XinInventory and click on
OK button to restore XinInventory database to SQL server.
A message will be display after the database has been restored successful.
- Create Xin Inventory database's user login
By default, the setup will create Xin Inventory 2.0 database user. If there is any failure, please contact our support.
Open SSMS and connect the SQL database.
Expend the folder under Security folder.
Right click on the
Logins and click on
New Login.
Enter Login name: XinUser and select SQL Server Authentication. After that enter Password: xinuser . Unchecked the Enfore password policy checkedbox then click on User Mapping on the left hand menu.
Check on XinInventory and then Select db_owner. Click on OK button once done.

- Enable TCP/IP
- Enable Microsoft SQL Browser service and SQL Server (xxxx) service
Services in your computer. In windows 7, you can enter Services and then click on Services.
You also can access to Services by
Control Panel -> Admistrative Tools -> Services

In the Services window,
locate SQL Servcer Browser and
right click on it. In the popup window, click on
Change the
Startup type to Automatic if it's in others type.
Click on
Apply button after change to Automatic
Click on
Start button to make sure the service is started.
- Check Dynamic Port Number
SQL Server Configuration Manager (Under to
Start -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager)
SQL Network Configuration, click on
Protocols for SQLEXPRESS
On the right Panel,
right click on TCP/IP and select
Properties. Then select tab "IP Addresses".
Scroll down until we can see
TCP Dynamic Ports that under
IPAll. Copy this value, in this sample the value is 49167. We will need to open firewall port 49167 for others network user to access to SQL Server 2008 Express.
2. Firewall add port for Client/LAN user access
- Add Port Number to Firewall
To access to
Windows Firewall setting, go to
Control Panel and click on System and Security.

Click on
Windows Firewall.
In the Windows Firewall windows, click on
Advances Settings.
Click on
Inbound Rules and then
click on New Rule
Port and click Next button.
TCP and enter port number (Dynamic port that obtain from SQL Server TCP/IP Dynamic port) in Specific local ports and click Next button. In this case, i enter 49167 which i obtain from previous activiry.
Allow the connection and click Next button.
Domain and
Private and click Next button.
Enter a name, in this sample, we put Xin Inventory TCP + port number. Click on Finish button.
3. Enable folder permission
- Share Xin Inventory 2.0 installed folder.
Go to Xin Inventory 2.0 folder. By default, the installation folder in 32 bit machine is
"C:\Program Files\Xin\Xin Inventory 2.0" and for 64 bit machine is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xin\Xin Inventory 2.0".
Right click on Xin Inventory 2.0 folder.
2. Then click on
3. Click on
Sharing Tab
4. Click on
Advanced Sharing button.
5. In the Advanced Sharing window, checked on
Share this folder.
6. Click on
Permission button.
7. In the Permission for Xin Inventory 2.o window, check on
Allow Change checkedbox.
8. Click on
OK button.
- Set permission for Everyone (Modify permission)
Go to Xin Inventory 2.0 folder. By default, the installation folder in 32 bit machine is
"C:\Program Files\Xin\Xin Inventory 2.0" and for 64 bit machine is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xin\Xin Inventory 2.0".
Right click on Xin Inventory 2.0 folder.
2. Then click on

3. Select
Security tab
4. Click on
Edit button
5. In the Permissions for Xin Inventory 2.0 window, click on
Add button.
6. Type
everyone in the Select Users or Groups window
7. Click on
Check Names button.
8. Click on
OK button.
9. In the Permissions for Xin Inventory 2.0 window,
select Everyone.
10. Check on
Allow Modify check box.
11. Click on
OK button.
4. Install Xin Inventory 2.0 as client in server
Select install Xin Inventory 2.0 as Client.
5. Open Xin Inventory 2.0 in Server
We can test on it once the installation is completed. Click on Xin Inventory 2.0 icon in Desktop to open Xin Inventory 2.0 for the first time.
1. Click on
Database Setting on the left bottom of the login screen.

2. Select
3. Try to enter SQLEXPRESS as
instance name. Click on
determine SQL Server instance name to know how to check the instance name.
4. Click on
Test Connection button to test connection.
5. Click on OK button if the network connection tested ok.
6. Click on
Save button to save the setting.
7. Enter Login ID: admin , Password: 1234 for the first time login.