User able to set which process need to increase stock (Purchase Order or Receive) and which process to deduct stock (Invoice or Delivery Note) in Setting module.
This system able to support different decimal places, the setting can be found in Setting Module. There are many others setting option provide flexibility to different requirement.
Inventory module come with more advance setting like multiple price level, re-order quantity, stock adjustment, photo, document attachment and etc. User can select the product type like Inventory which will need stock control, Non-Inventory which do not have stock control and services.
Vendor module is included in Xin Inventory software. User can check on not yet delivery inventory from this module or do receiving from here.
Re-order quantity alert feature include in Xin Inventory 2.0. When unit in stock for certain inventory reach the re-order level, the system will auto alert when a user login to the system
With Purchase Order Module / PO module, user can generate PO and easily send to customer by email or fax
Store receiving is very impotant features to keep track of vendor inventory delivery. User can partially receive or fully receive the part/item send by vendor after PO send out to vendor.
Invoice module is very comprehensive in Xin Inventory software. User can select different price level for different customer. Recurring invoice features also included in Xin Inventory software.
User can create new invoice by copy invoice existing invoice or Import from quotation. This will be very handy to user because no need to re key in the same information twice.
Xin inventory software provide payment receive feature to allowed user to receive partially payment or full payment. Together will payment receive report, it help user to keep track customer payment on time.
User can print receipt after received the payment from the customer.
Delivery note / packing slip can be generated easily by using features in Delivery Note / Packing Slip module. User can import the information from invoice, copy from exisitng delivery note /packing slip or create from scratch.
Same as Xin Invoice software 3.0, Xin Inventory software also come with fully customization on the template with the user friendly invoice template editor and other template editor. This mean user can change the invoice template to the language that user prefer.
Others than simple data filtering, advance filter feature included in Xin Inventory software to help user to have more efficient data filtering. User can also customize own datagrid by adding the column that needed to be display. The filtering result able to export to excel features that allow user to export data for other purposes.
User can fax or email document to customer directly by using this inventory software. User will need to set up fax and email account properly first before that can start faxing and sending email.
Xin Inventory is network enabled invoice software. User able to choose to connect to server database or local database.
In order to have better control on the data, system admin able to create user group and control accessibility of each user group. After finished configure, admin can assign user to this particular group.
For security purposes, Xin Inventory 2.0 comes with password protection feature. User can set password to protect confidential data.
Xin Inventory software also designed to be user friendly and allowed user to choose 7 software skin according to their preference.
Xin Inventory software come with activity log as audit trial to keep track of user activity.
Xin Inventory software comes with many new reports, Sales Report, Finance Report, Purchase Report, Inventory Report and others. User even request to customize report.
Sales Chart is included in Xin Inventory software to help user to have visual
understanding on the sales.
Attachment module is included in this version of Xin Inventory software. User
can attach document in PO module, Customer module, invoice module and others module and can
retrieve or check back using the filter function in Attachment module.
Xin Inventory support multiple company/business. User can use Xin Inventory if have more than one company/business..
Xin Inventory support multiple tax. User can set the tax in setting and use in purchase order, invoice, quotation, credit notes. The tax can be tied to customer or inventory. User can select double taxation at a time. There are 2 options in double taxable that supported in this software. Option 1: Both tax based on selling price. Option 2: is the second tax based on the first tax plus selling price. Some of the user might have different tax for different customer/inventory, Our system is support this feature as well.
Xin Inventory come with different language version. English version, Spanish Version, Chinese Version, Malay Version, Indonesian Version, Slovenian Version, Slovak Version, Dutch Version and Japanese Version
Xin Inventory software comes with customer database to help user to maintain up to date customer information. This information will be used to generate invoice, quotation, customer statement.
Xin Inventory software provide sales person module and allowed user to upload sales person signature. Sales person information will be used in quotation and invoice to keep track of sales person performanace. The signature can be used in quotation.
Company information can be easily setup in Xin Inventory. User can easily upload company logo to generate more professional PO, quotation, invoice and others ducument.
Setting up Paypal account in Xin Inventory software able to help user to generate invoice with paypal payment link. The customer can pay the invoice via paypal buy click on the link generated by Xin Inventory software.
User can easily backup and restore Xin Inventory database with or without password protect. Regular backup and place the database in secure location will help user to secure the existing data.
Xin Inventory software also provide flexibility for user to setup reference code for PO, Invoice, quotation, credit note and delivery note. User can change the reference code format according to their needs.
Others important setting like date format, payment method, currency code, currency decimal places, authorize signature and etc can found in document setting module.
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You can download Xin Inventory 2.0, 30 days trial version. After 30 days trial, if you wish to continue to use Xin Inventory 2.0, you can purchase the registration key to unlock the inventory software.
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You can purchase Xin Inventory 2.0 registration key to unlock this inventory software and use it permanently. After you purchase the key, our system will send the key to you through email.